
Email validation is often overlooked but undoubtedly one of the most important tools you can have when it comes to email marketing. Why? Well, in marketing and sales, there are two words that strike dread in even the most experienced sales rep’s heart: bounce rate. Your bounce rate, which is determined by the number of emails that aren’t delivered because the address is invalid, says a lot about your reputation and your ultimate success. And let’s face it, at the heart of the argument is this indisputable fact: the more prospects you have opening your email, the higher your conversion rate.

Email Validation

There are plenty of email validation services out there that help you identify the email addresses in your database that are valid and those most likely to bounce. It improves your data quality, helps you avoid falling into the dreaded spam folder and saves money in the long run. Every email that you send that bounces back is basically money tossed in the trash. Validating emails deliver a better return on your investment.

That’s why we integrated email validation into CRMDialer with ZeroBounce. If you’re looking for a creative alternative to a traditional email validation service, our approach delivers a full CRM with calling, chat, SMS a built-in helpdesk and email templates into a single system. The easy to use platform lets you import leads from a CSV or Excel file en masse to run through email validation checks to keep your email campaigns running smoothly and your results on point.

Why CRMDialer?

You get email validation and much more. At the heart of this powerful platform is a fully loaded telemarketing platform designed to streamline your sales process, help you work smarter and boost your results. Not only is this a creative alternative to an email validation service, but it’s also a call center cloud that lets you replace your existing phone system and CRM with the tools you need to improve your performance. Some of the top features include:

Integrated Chat: Foster a collaborative team environment with the chat function, which lets you create public channels or private groups where everyone can share information, files and images in one spot.

Built-in Helpdesk: Provide amazing customer service with this built-in feature that lets you keep an eye on helpdesk tickets from the time they’re opened until the issue is resolved.

SMS: Reach more prospects by SMS texting follow-ups, reminders and appointment confirmations for a higher response, open and read rate that lets you boost conversions.

Click-to-Call: Boost your contact rate by up to 300 percent with click-to-call functionality.

Local Presence: Research shows that you can talk to up to 400 percent more prospects with local presence dialing. Our dynamic caller ID displays a local phone number based on the outbound call.

Dialer Metrics: Not only does this feature help boost sales performance, but it also gives you the opportunity for real-time monitoring and reporting in addition to recording calls to analyze or playback later.

Real-Time Visitor Tracking: Close more deals and understand your prospects before you contact them with this call center cloud’s newest feature: real-time visitor tracking. You receive notifications when prospects visit your website so you can better gauge their interest level and potential pain points before reaching out.

Experience this creative email validation alternative for yourself!