Customer resource management tools have seen an enormous surge in adoption thanks to their ability to streamline and enhance every customer-facing aspect of sales, marketing, and relationship building. Simultaneously, power dialers have been replacing traditional phone systems in sales environments across all industries.
Each tool has a lot to offer on its own, but together, a dialer-CRM integration represents one of the most powerful sales tools available on the market today. The unique combination puts every tool an organization needs to conduct prospecting, sales, and ongoing service in a single piece of software, lowering costs and boosting productivity and revenue.
The following are the top 10 ways sales organizations can use a dialer-CRM integration to boost sales, covering everything from hitting higher call volumes to improving agent training to harvesting more customer data, and beyond.
#1) Reach More Prospects with Automatic Dialing
In high-volume calling environments, the more numbers an agent can dial in a day, the more times they can deliver the script, and the more deals they’ll close. Manual dialing is slow and inefficient, and the time agents waste doing it is time they aren’t on the phone. Automatic dialing through dialer-CRM integration enables agents to build out daily calling lists right in the CRM and then let the software work through them automatically. The result is that agents spend less time pressing buttons and more time selling — a win for everyone involved.
#2) Utilize Complete Stored Customer Information
Knowledge is power, and the more a salesperson knows about a prospect, the faster and smoother the sales process will be. Dialer-CRM integration ensures that every time an agent launches a sales call, they’ll be able to quickly and easily access all of the collected data on that lead without ever having to leave the call or switch programs. With dialer-CRM integration, agents are more prepared for each call, and can quickly access any information they need in the moment to help close the deal.
#3) Boost Answer Rates to Boost Close Rates
Calls that don’t connect are calls that can’t close, and companies selling across state lines are painfully aware of how an unfamiliar area code on call display can destroy answer rates. A dialer-CRM integration with a local presence feature enables agents to get around the problem by selecting relevant phone numbers to match the geographical area of the prospects they’re calling. A familiar phone number makes prospects feel more comfortable answering the phone, resulting in more connections and more successful closes.
#4) Collect Leads from Inbound Phone Calls
A dialer-CRM integration turns the phone into a lead collection machine. Much like a CRM can create new lead accounts from inbound emails or text messages, leads can be captured into the CRM whenever a potential customer calls into a business with an inquiry. Inbound calls come up directly on the CRM user’s screen, and if that number isn’t yet associated with a lead, the agent can create a new account right on the call in just a few clicks. With dialer-CRM integration, no lead need ever go uncollected.
#5) Let the Dialer Feed the CRM
A stand-alone power dialer is a valuable sales tool, and a stand-alone CRM is mission-critical software in most industries. But a dialer-CRM integration creates a synthesis of the two that is far greater than the sum of its parts by enabling sales calls to become goldmines of data that can be captured into the system. With separate systems, the details of a sales call must be manually recorded, and that takes up time agents don’t have to spare. A dialer-CRM integration enables key call data to be captured automatically, and allows agents to add their manual notes right on screen in a matter of seconds.
#6) Measure Sales Calling Activity More Accurately
As the old saying goes, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” A dialer-CRM integration marries the calling capabilities of a power dialer with the deep analytics suite of a customer resource management tool, providing managers with a much clearer understanding of how agent performance and overall calling efforts are meeting expectations. A more accurate view of operations enables better decision-making, allowing managers to make adjustments where necessary to maximize sales.
#7) Keep Telemarketers On-Script with Listen-In
In telemarketing environments, the sales process is the script, and getting agents to stick to it is the key to maximizing revenues. A dialer-CRM integration enables managers to use both the record and listen-in functions to monitor agent performance and ensure they’re reading their lines as they’re written. Managers can also get real-time feedback on how customers interact with the script, making it easier to identify which parts work and which parts need massaging. Recording and listen-in features are also a great way to ensure regulatory compliance, as well.
#8) Develop Custom Training Programs Based on Agent Needs
In non-scripted sales environments, selling over the telephone is a specialized skill, becoming more and more important in a post-COVID world where remote communications are king. A dialer-CRM integration is an ideal tool for helping agents build their telephone sales skills because dialer-CRM integration enables managers to use the CRM’s robust reporting features to identify which agents need training the most. With the best candidates for individual training identified, management can then use the listen-in and recording features to identify specific agent weaknesses and develop laser-targeted training programs to help each agent meet their full potential.
9) Stop Waiting for the Beep
Sitting around on the line waiting to leave a message might be one of the most wasteful things an agent can do with their time, yet, in many cases, it’s absolutely necessary. A good dialer-CRM integration will provide tools like one-click voicemail drop to eliminate wasted time in cases where leaving a message is a must. One-click voicemail drop enables agents to leave a prerecorded message automatically with the press of a button, allowing them to move on to the next call while the system keeps the line open, waiting for the beep in the background. It’s an extremely effective way to reclaim lost time and keep agents selling on live calls rather than sitting around twiddling their thumbs.
10) Enable Customers to Call Back Easily
Not every sale happens in one touch, and a great way to keep the sales process moving is to give customers the ability to call back in and continue the sale when it’s most convenient for them. A good dialer-CRM integration does that in two ways. First, a built-in IVR system enables the customer to dial the extension of the sales rep they’re seeking without the need to go through a gatekeeper first. Second, in instances where they can’t get their original rep, the CRM-side of the integration enables any new agent to immediately see all of the notes and details from every previous contact with that customer, allowing the sales process to resume seamlessly even with a totally unfamiliar agent.
CRMDialer is the most feature-rich customer resource management platform on the market today, offering unparalleled dialer-CRM integration. In addition to a full suite of leading sales and productivity features, CRMDialer also includes a power dialer equipped with automatic dialing, one-click voicemail drop, local presence, advanced reporting, call recording, listen-in and barge, a full IVR system, and much more.
To see everything the platform has to offer in action, start your no-commitment free trial of CRMDialer today!
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