Real Estate CRM

The goal of every real estate office is to build a healthy roster of clients and an outstanding reputation in the field. Nurturing relationships with customers and turning leads into clients are the keys to success and leveraging an industry-specific CRM is a powerful tool for helping with both of those processes. Without real estate software to help keep all your files, images, notes and other essential information organized, it’s tough to do those things to the best of your ability.

So, why is customer relationship management (CRM) software necessary? It could be the difference between missing a hot opportunity or successfully closing a deal for your client who is buying or selling a property.

Here’s the thing; having a great CRM is essential to making your job easier. Ideally, it should help you do these five things:

  • Get More Done in Less Time: You want to obtain all of the prospect and client data from right at your fingertips. Make calls right from your browser with this real estate CRM. Take notes and send emails while you’re on calls (or on hold). Get up-to-the-minute notifications when prospects visit your website. Tackle contracts in a flash with e-signatures, and keep meticulous records with an extensive database, built-in duplicate checker and email validation. All this from one spot.
  • Nurture Strong, Lasting Relationships: Relationships are the cornerstone of a successful, lasting real estate career. You want to treat everyone from prospects to potential clients to long-term customers as your top priority. With CRMDialer on your side, you can stay consistent with your outreach, remain top of mind with the people in your community and obtain that coveted word-of-mouth recommendation that everyone strives for. In addition to a great database, this platform includes everything you need to keep detailed client records, stay on top of appointments and follow-ups and facilitate easy communication.
  • Seize More Opportunities: When you don’t have the right integrated tools on your side, you could be missing out on opportunities left and right. But with visitor tracking and lead management, you can capture more leads — and higher quality leads. Built-in SMS and email make marketing efforts a cinch, while the metrics built into the platform provide insight into what’s working and what isn’t catching a prospect’s attention.
  • Create an Awesome Team Environment: Although much of an agent’s work is done solo unless you’re a real estate office of one, you’re part of a team. Reach out to your colleagues with internal chat, which lets you share files, search for information about specific properties or topics and ask questions lightning fast — even if you’re on the phone while you’re doing it.
  • Train Your Team Faster and Easier: For a busy real estate office, getting new agents up and running quickly is a real advantage. Not only is this an intuitive, easy to use the platform, it also includes some spectacular tools for training. Call recording and archiving for later analysis and training is one. But another feature is the whisper and barge function, which lets managers or senior agents listen in and help out with a challenging call as needed.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to the seamless integrations and game-changing tools, CRMDialer offers transparent pricing with no contracts necessary. It’s also amazingly scalable.

Pretty awesome, right? That’s not the only awesome thing about this platform. As you learn more about the features that CRMDialer offers, you’ll quickly understand why it’s the best option for real estate agents. It’s a unified solution that’s user-friendly, easy to implement and power-packed with all the features you need, including the following standouts.

Stellar CRM Database

Let’s face it. You need to stay organized if you want to stay on top of all your clients, leads and prospects. If you’re anything like most real estate agents, then you probably have multiple streams of leads flowing in from a variety of sources. Having to manage multiple databases for each source becomes time-consuming and clunky. But you don’t have to do that with this platform, which includes:

  • Unlimited leads and contacts
  • A lead importer with user assignments
  • Automatic duplicate checking
  • Bulk email validation
  • Automatic notifications as leads move through the deal cycle
  • Customizable views
  • Voice recognition for easy note-taking and record-keeping

When you choose the right real estate CRM, you could potentially make more money, build more dynamic relationships and simplify marketing. Sounds pretty good, right? But here’s the thing — not just any CRM will fit the bill. You need to find one that meets all your needs, preferably all in one easy-to-navigate platform. That’s where CRMDialer outshines the competition. This power dialer CRM packs a mighty punch with enterprise-level features, transparent pricing and a unified solution designed to boost your bottom line.

A great real estate CRM gives you a phone system, lead management database, built-in calendar with appointment setting for showings and meetings, SMS and email to follow up with potential clients and e-Signature for getting agreements signed quickly. CRMDialer has it all — and then some. Check out some of the outstanding features of this single platform.

Power Dialer For The Real Estate Industry

Contact more people in less time with this power dialer CRM. Make calls right from your browser with click-to-call, call queues, IVR, voicemail drop and local presence — all designed to increase your contact rate and streamline the calling process. You also get the whisper and barge capability so managers can listen in or help out with challenging clients. Even better? You get SMS and email, which offers a full suite of communication tools all on the same platform.

Email and SMS For The Real Estate Industry

Today’s outreach efforts are about more than just the phone. Having the ability to follow up or reach out via text messages can really increase your contact rate. Roughly 98 percent of text messages are opened and read, and most agents enjoy a response rate of around 80 percent. Not only does the platform include inbound and outbound email, but it also syncs to your Gmail and Outlook accounts, and it offers automatic email tracking, easy archiving, the ability to create email templates, open and tracking notifications and analytics that give you open, click and reply rates.

Send and Receive SMS, Email Integrated CRM

CRMDialer’s CRM sends and receives text messages. CRMDialer also integrates email through Google and Outlook integrations.

Electronic Signature

Close deals faster and from anywhere in the world. In turn, this shortens the sales cycle and helps minimize frustrations. Incomplete paperwork, access to fax machines and the time it takes to mail contracts are no longer issues.

Internal CRM Chat

Communicate internally, send files and images and search #channels to increase productivity.

Integrated Chat

Even if you mostly work solo as a realtor, having an amazing team environment to back you up is essential. With this platform’s chat function, you can search for information by topic, quickly shoot off a message to a colleague and share files and images with the rest of the team. Internal chat fosters a strong real estate team, while external B2B chat (Tech Hub) lets you create an amazing central area where you and your clients can communicate, share ideas, network and solve problems together.

Essential Lead Management

Agents are constantly dealing with huge volumes of information. That’s why it’s crucial to be able to organize it and access it all in one place. With this platform’s lead management capabilities, you get unlimited reporting fields, duplicate checker, bulk email validation and more. You can also take notes right in lead pages, with high-quality voice recognition capabilities that make it easy and fast.

Integrated Helpdesk

Keeping your clients happy is priority one, right? When you have an integrated helpdesk, it’s easier to provide next-level customer service, which is more likely to gain you those coveted words of mouth recommendations. With the platform’s helpdesk, you can set internal SLAs for ticket types, monitor the effectiveness of your support team and track tickets from the time they come in until the issues are resolved.

Integrated CRM Helpdesk Zendesk Alternative

Create and track tickets to ensure proper SLAs are met by customer support and success departments.

Real-Time Visitor Tracking

When you understand more about what your prospects are doing on your website, you can improve your conversations and improve lead quality. This platform has website visitor tracking built right in. Agents get pop-up notifications with all the details they need to better understand their leads’ interests and potential pain points.

Can you see why real estate companies need a CRM? Now that you’ve learned a little bit about what CRMDialer has to offer, sign up for a CRM account to discover just how much it can help your business. And when you’re ready, you can scale up to the popular base package, which charges per month per user, or the unlimited users’ plan.